Award & Achievements

Anugerah CSR Asia Pasifik 2015

Anugerah Asia Pasifik mengiktirafkan organisasi kerana menerapkan prinsip-prinsip korporat bertanggungjawab dalam falsafah dan operasi perniagaan mereka mengikut prinsip Global Compact Pertubuhan Bangsa Bersatu. Anugerah ini diberikan bagi program yang mencapai kecemerlangan dari segi perkhidmatan kepada pihak berkepentingan dan penyelesaian mampan yang inovatif terhadap cabaran social yang mendesak. 

Penerima anugerah harus menunjukkan kepimpinan syarikat, keikhlasan dan komitmen berterusan untuk mengintegrasikan nilai etika (anti-rasuah), pematuhan terhadap keperluan undang-undang (standard buruh), menghormati individu (hak asasi manusia), penglibatan dalam komuniti dan perlindungan alam sekitar ke arah perniagaan Moscon.

Anugerah Kecemerlangan Perniagaan Selangor 2016

Lebih daripada 50 kategori dianugerah kepada individual dan perniagaan yang paling cemerlang di Anugerah Kecemerlangan Perniagaan Selangor Ketiga (SEBA) 2016. Majlis anugerah ini diadakan di Pusat Konvensyen Shah Alam pada 7 November 2016. 

 Penaung diraja SEBA 2016, Tengku Sulaiman Shah Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah turut menghadir ke anugerah ini. Calon dipilih berdasarkan pencapaian organisasi mereka yang cemerlang, seperti pertumbuhan jualan dan keuntungan, keupayaan kepimpinan yang kuat, rekod Latihan pekerja yang baik, pembangunan modal insan, pemahaman yang cemerlang terhadap pasaran dan keperluan pelanggan, pelaksanaan inovasi yang baik dan strategi perniagaan yang menarik.

Anugerah Helang Emas 2017

Ini adalah masa yang paling mencabar untuk perniagaan Malaysia, namun juga masa yang paling sesuai untuk memanfaatkan peluang perniagaan yang lebih besar. “Dalam krisis adalah benih peluang.” Pada zaman ini, inovasi mencabar minda tradisional menjalankan perniagaan; Rantaian bekalan perlu meningkatkan hubungan secara berterusan untuk integrasi yang lebih baik. Inilah masanya perniagaan mempunyai medan permainan yang sama rata untuk kerjayaan selagi mereka adalah fleksibel dan cukup pantas untuk menerima cabaran dan bergerak ke hadapan. 

Bertemakan “Meneroka Realiti Baru”, Anugerah Helang Emas 2017 bertujuan untuk memacu enjin pertumbuhan keusahawanan.


ISSUE 26 / 2016


Developing the Malay Reserved Lands is a challenge few would take up. The lands are protected under laws from ownership change, and to add to the challenge, they are mainly in rural locations with little infrastructure. Despite encouragement from the authorities, projects have stalled or been abandoned. It is not surprising that big players in property development shy away from the Malay Reserved Lands. But far-sighted Dato’ Louis Chai Ming Foo, Chairman of Moscon Group, saw it differently. There is an untapped demand for first-time homeowners among the bumiputeras, and he figured out a sustainable way to meet their needs.

Having started from a project of 50 single-storey houses in early 2000, the group has now completed 1,000 units, including semi-detached residences, and is now a trusted name in the sector. Dato Louis Chai tells Top 10 of Malaysia about his experience and the values that he has imbued in Moscon to take it to the next level.

If one were to ask Dato Louis Chai who his greatest teacher is, he would not be giving out a name. He probably would not be saying that his greatest teacher is a person – he would say that hardship taught him the most. Hardship is no stranger to his life, but he took it so well that it honed his will
and shaped him to be an entrepreneur.

Born into a farming household in Jeram, Perak, Chai is the second child of three siblings. Poverty was a fact of life then, and he is the only child in the family who managed to secure a place in the university.

“I was not gifted academically, yet I was offered a place in a university in Taiwan. I struggled mentally for a year before finally going, because I was too poor to even accept the offer,” Chai explains.

“Family is the ultimate root and the foundation of one’s life,” says the father of two daughters. “First, take good care of your family members; Only then can you take on bigger dream.”

To earn some money for his studies, Chai left his hometown for Singapore, where he worked overtime in an electronics plant and earned about SGD10 plus a day. He pondered about taking a cheaper course to study locally and Singapore’s boom then also offered him a glimpse of better life without having to go to Taiwan. But he persuaded himself that leaving might lead him to greater heights. After a year, he saved up about RM3,000 and, with about RM5,000 more from his parents, he went to Taiwan.

“I could have stayed back in Singapore and rose to become a supervisor, but I wanted my life to be more than just that,” says Chai. “I was in my late teens, and I started thinking – to get out of poverty, one should go into business.”